P-06-1200 Make horse tethering, with or without shelter, illegal and an act of cruelty in Wales, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 18.10.21


Thank you for your correspondence  concerning Horse tethering.



 I have now  decided  to ask you withdraw my name from the petition I set up with regard to Horse Tethering in Wales, for fear of retaliation .


In  my view, it will take  someone with Political Authority to call for an "All Wales Equine Group" be formed to revisit this serious  problem .


I think it is pretty clear to everyone driving down Rover Way, Cardiff , The Animal Welfare Act of 2006 is not being adhered to and the Code of Practice is not being followed or enforced .



 Horses Tethering makes it impossible to meet the Standard of Care, the law requires for the horses "Basic Needs .


1. Horses do not have a suitable environment to live in . Whilst some horses are hardy, they do need shelter to escape extreme heat and harsh cold winters .


2. Horses do not have a healthy diet. Tethered horses don't get access to fresh new  pasture  and  need up to 15 gallons of water a day .


3. Horses are not  able to behave normally . By nature, there is nothing more than they love is  cantering around a field .


4.Horses  do not have the appropriate company. They are herd animals and find it great comfort to be part of a group .


5,  Its hard to see that they are being protected from pain suffering and injury  and disease.  A horse should have a wellness check-up every year. 


 This Practice of course,  is not confined to Cardiff but also prevalent in Swansea and pockets in North Wales.


Most people would agree also, that they certainly wouldn't want this practice to be driven underground  but there  must be a  solution .

Could a field be provided by  councils in offending areas ? This would provide the horses with their basic standards of living and give the horse welfare officer a single point of contact.


If it was a dog that was found tethered, someone would take immediate action and that's as it should be but "All animals need to be treated with respect". 


I really hope there is a positive outcome from this petition. Wales  could lead the way  with how they deal with this  UK problem  and in turn improve the lives of these helpless horses. 


Kind regards